Friday, July 24, 2009

The thought of the money I'm saving cools me off

Since this article captures a practice I have been implementing for two years already without the impetus of recession, I enjoyed it as a means of self-vindication against my (many) detractors. Surprisingly, very few people are able to see the virtues of life without air-conditioning. I'd think it would be obvious.

First, you can save fully hundreds of dollars a summer. The people in this article claim to have saved thousands, but either their house is massive or their local energy costs tremendous, because my poorly-insulated five-BR house never costs anywhere near that much to cool. So let's put the savings at hundreds. HUNDREDS of dollars. That is a lot of money. Think of how many cups of work-escape coffee that will buy you.

Second, there is no second. This is a blog about saving money, and not using air-conditioning pretty much only saves money, but A LOT of money. Maybe it will bring your family closer together or help you lose weight as the interviewees claim, but I have not tested either of these assertions, so I can't say. It will sort of get you more in touch with nature, if only to the extent that it will familiarize you with the actual temperature outside, which it's possible you haven't had many opportunities to know. Then, after a particularly hot day, your un-cooled home will have retained all the heat of the afternoon, likely forcing you outdoors into the waiting arms of Nature (and her insect friends) in the evening. However, I bet the Pennsylvanian quoted in the article as an advocate of "rolling with nature" would not also endorse spending a winter without heat, so I suspect that this non-cooling for the sake of natural living platform is a limited one.

But most of the complaints about life without air-conditioning are overblown (!). Sure, it's hot and that makes you sluggish and sleepy. But anything under 100 degrees is perfectly livable for most healthy people. If you don't know what to do with yourself in the heat, may I suggest a nap? Maybe a few hours with a book? Or, you could head over to those places whose air-conditioning you're subsidizing and get your money's worth (the library), or to those places whose air-conditioning is like a free gift to you (the mall). Perhaps what should be added to this article is that life without residential cooling builds community. How about that, yuppies?

The article also points out that keeping the air off can kill your cat. This may be true. My cat becomes sluggish in the heat, but I hope that putting out extra water dishes around the house will keep him hydrated so that I will not have to abandon this great money-saving tradition for the comfort of an angry beast.

The real problem of life without air-conditioning is convincing other people that it's really not a problem. For example, my roommates, who ask, "Why is the air always getting turned off?" (Conveniently, the thermostat lives right outside my bedroom and I am the Supreme Controller of House Temperature.) They do not understand my logic, which I have articulated for them several times clearly enough, "The thought of the money I'm saving cools me off."


Alex said...


I'm so glad utilities are included in my rent and I can run the AC all day long with no financial impact.

Sissie Sue said...

I'm glad I moved to a part of the country where air conditioning of the cooling type is not really necessary. My second-floor apartment has been getting a bit hot during the day, but at night the air outside is cool, so I've been going for walks to enjoy it (before returning to my stuffy apartment).

I will admit that I'm looking forward to fall/winter. I do better with cold than with heat.

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

Yay, more Cheapness Studies!

Where I'm now living, there is no air-conditioning, and it really is amazing what a fan can do. But I think part of what motivates me to use a/c in NY is that in summer, the streets are hot and smell terrible, so there's something appealing about sealing off your apt to the outside. Plus, if you live on a busy street, the nights of a/c are your only quiet nights for the whole year.

Amber said...

I keep the air conditioning off during the day, but if I don't at least leave the fan on, the cats start making their disgruntlement known in a variety of organic ways. So: don't let your cheapness impinge on the happiness of your cats. Ruination will ensue.